Os Pioneiros do Lacrosse na Europa

Posted: Maio 8, 2012 in Lisboa Lacrosse, Portugal Lacrosse

A ELF, mais concretamente o Presidente Peter Mundy, elaborou um texto sobre a história do Lacrosse na Europa, como tudo começou, e quem foram os grandes responsáveis por levar o Lacrosse a cada país membro da ELF.

Como membro que somos, não fomos esquecidos, e aqui está o excerto retirado do texto acerca da entrada de Portugal na ELF.

“Hungary and Portugal entered our ranks in 2010. Ferenc Szody who had been working
hard to develop Lacrosse in Budapest for two years or more received further support from
his colleagues and following the formation of another team in Budapest and a new team
in Pecs under the aegis of Albrecht Wenzel, a German Student at the University of Pecs
,was pleased to join us. The ELF have supplied coaching and equipment to both Budapest
and Pecs.
In Portugal Francisco Fonseca, a student at the University of Coimbra, had attempted to
introduce Lacrosse to the University without much luck but he had succeeded in forming a
team in the town of Coimbra and more recently has been joined by another enthusiast in
Lisbon, but a lot more work has to be done before the game can be said to be a fixture in
the country. Needless to say the ELF have supplied both equipment and coaching to assist
this venture.”

Quem estiver interessado pode consultar o documento na integra AQUI.

  1. Rui Conde diz:

    In Portugal Francisco Fonseca, a student at the University of Coimbra, had attempted to
    introduce Lacrosse to the University without much luck but he had succeeded in forming a
    team in the town of Coimbra and more recently has been joined by another enthusiast in

    «joined by another enthusiast in Lisbon», não tenho direito a nome não é???
    Estás lixado!

    • Rui Conde diz:

      Depois de pensar um bocadinho, acho que não é a mim que se refere, mas sim, ao Rodrigo Inglês, que foi quem lhe escreveu uma carta e para quem foi enviado equipamento em 2010.

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